many seqs need editing

Maximilian Hasler maximilian.hasler at
Mon Jun 4 17:20:43 CEST 2007

On 6/4/07, N. J. A. Sloane <njas at> wrote:
> there are several interesting sequences from new contributors
> and too many uninteresting sequences from the usual suspects.
> how about showing some restraint, folks?
> I have 591 comments waiting to be processed

I think there were just some critics on not submitting just anything.
Also, duplicate hunting is one step into the good direction.
Sequences such that a(n) = b(n+k) + c for some other b() should be at
least discouraged.
Subsequences should be allowed only if they correspond to "giant
steps" such that the 3rd term of the subsequence is not more visible
in the supersequence.

Maybe the invitations for submitting new sequences on OEIS (I suppose
they date from early days) are too inviting.
Rather than

> I am sorry, but the terms do not match anything in the table.
> If your sequence is of general interest, please send it to me using the form provided ...

Try to make a search with spaces instead of ",",
try to search with first terms omitted,
try to divide by the term's gcd,
try superseeker, ...
(or at least a "bigger" link to "hints").

Finally, how about a "wiki" version of OEIS, where (authenticated(?))
uses may add comments / corrections / extensions, and some elected
moderators may incorporate them "definietely", with earlier revisions
remaining accessible.


Maximilian makes some good suggestions,
especially about modifying the standard reply
when a sequence is not found

as for the wiki idea, it has been
discussed several times before,
and we decided it was not a good idea.

it would make the job of maintaining the OEIS
more difficult.

also, for various reasons, i prefer that only one
version of the OEIS should exist.
that's why there are no mirror sites.


the Labs supports my work on the OEIS is that it brings
in a lot of traffic to the AT&T web site.

Also it is hard enough to maintain one site,
without having to worry about mirror sites
or wiki versions.

So i feel it is important that there is just
one copy of the OEIS on the web


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