Mian-Chowla primes, semiprimes, etcetera

Jonathan Post jvospost3 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 08:23:54 CEST 2007

A001222(A005282) = bigomega(Mian-Chowla sequence(n))
= 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, ...

quickly gives us the derived sequences:

Mian-Chowla primes = 2, 13, 31, 97, 401, 593, 1523, 2029, 3797, 4297,
7547, 7789, ...
A000040 INTERSECTION A005282
whose indices in A005282 are 2, 5, 7, 11, 19, 22, 32, 36, 45, 47, 60, 61, ...

Mian-Chowla semiprimes = 4, 21, 123, 361, 565, 662, 1159, 1821, 3155,
3998, 5123, 5998, 6374, 6801, 8503, 10587, 10898, 11614, 12931, 14047,
whose indices in A005282 are 3, 6, 12, 18, 21, 23, 29, 34, 42, 46, 51,
55, 56, 57, 63, 68, 69, 71, 74, 76, ...

these are easy to generate from Tony Noe's b-list of the first 5818 terms.

Does anyone find any of these interesting enough to submit to OEIS?


Jonathan Vos Post

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