EricD/About Sequences equal?

Joshua Zucker joshua.zucker at
Mon Mar 24 16:44:03 CET 2008

Well, the initial two terms are different, but it sure is easy to
prove that all terms thereafter will be the same.  I would certainly
be in favor of deleting A084599 except it would be nice to save the
bit of comment that says how big the composite is that would need
factoring in order to compute the next term.

Interestingly,  A084598 has a comment saying it's essentially the same
as A005265.  Maybe all that's needed is a comment in A084599 saying
similarly that it's essentially the same as A005266.

By the way, Eric: you might get more responses to your list of
sequences if you made an easy-to-click link that takes us to the
sequences we should be comparing, saving us from typing the A-numbers
in to a search, like this:
where the %3A is the : character and the %7C is the | character.
So at least in my browser,|id:A005266
also works.
I have a feeling there's an even shorter format that works too ...

--Joshua Zucker

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 7:17 AM, Eric <moongerms at> wrote:
> A084599 & A005266

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