[seqfan] Number of knots with trivializing number k among all knots with n crossings

Jonathan Post jvospost3 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 19:46:50 CEST 2009

Number of knots with trivializing number k among all knots with n crossings.

derived from Table 1, p.24, of
Allison Henrich, Noel MacNaughton, Sneha Narayan, Oliver Pechenik,
Jennifer Townsend,
Classical and Virtual Pseudodiagram Theory and New Bounds on
Unknotting Numbers and Genus

n / k=1.|.k=2.|.k=3.|.k=4.|.k=5.|.k=6.|.
n=3.|.0. |.1.|
n=4.|.0. |.1.|

The n=9 row of the table seems currently uncertain for some values of k.

Is this good for OEIS? Should one eliminate the non-even k columns,
per theorem in the paper? Is there a better presentation?

Thank you,

Jonathan Vos Post

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