[seqfan] Re: Dead b-files for A127816 and others

Robert G. Wilson, v rgwv at rgwv.com
Tue Aug 11 01:35:14 CEST 2009


     Here are the updated and corrected hyper-links for all of the associated 
sequences. Please notice that except for the first one, they all read the same.

     Do you wish the b-text files sent individually or as a group? I can do 
either. Each is about 235 k.

Sincerely yours, Bob.

%H A036236 Hans Havermann, <a href="a036236.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for those entries where a(n) > 10^11. </a>.
%H A078457 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a078457.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
0..10000 with -1 for those entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A119678 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a119678.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for those entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A119679 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a119679.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for those entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A127816 R. J. Mathar, <a href="a127816.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 
with -1 for those entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A119715 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a119715.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for those entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A119714 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a119714.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for those entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A127817 R. J. Mathar, <a href="a127817.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 
with -1 for those entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A127818 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a127818.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A127819 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a127819.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A127820 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a127820.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A127821 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a127821.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128154 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128154.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128155 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128155.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128156 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128156.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128157 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128157.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128158 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128158.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128159 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128159.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128160 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128160.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128361 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128361.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128362 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128362.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128363 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128363.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128364 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128364.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128365 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128365.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128366 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128366.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128367 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128367.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128368 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128368.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128369 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128369.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128370 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128370.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128371 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128371.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.
%H A128372 Robert G. Wilson v, <a href="a128372.txt"> Table of n, a(n) for n = 
1..10000 with -1 for large entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "N. J. A. Sloane" <njas at research.att.com>
To: <seqfan at list.seqfan.eu>
Cc: <njas at research.att.com>; <hagen at von-eitzen.de>; <math at redeker.de>; 
<rgw at research.att.com>
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 11:31 PM
Subject: [seqfan] Re: Dead b-files for A127816 and others

> Hagen said:
>> A few days ago, Robert G. Wilson has added b-files with known-so-far
> values for A127816, A127817 and possibly a few related sequences.
> However, the links are dead (although they "look fine").
> Me: Two things:  1.  It is true he sent in the LINKS to these files,
> but as far as I can tell, he has not sent me the files themselves
> (I just double-checked all the b-files received in the past two weeks).
> He should send them to me again!
>                 2.  If you look at the links in question, you will
> see that I have changed the file names to a-files.
> This is because b-files may not contain uncertain entries.
> Example:
> %H A127816 Robert G. Wilson v, Jul 16 2009, <a href="a127816.txt"> Table of n, 
> a(n) for n = 1..\
> 10000 with -1 for those entries where a(n) has not yet been found. </a>. [From 
> Robert G. Wilson\
> v (rgwv(AT)rgwv.com), Jul 16 2009]
> So he should resend the files, preferably calling them a-files!
> Best regards
>  Neil
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