[seqfan] Re: Anagrams of triangular numbers

Hans Havermann pxp at rogers.com
Sun Oct 18 02:08:12 CEST 2009

zak seidov wrote:

> %S A166596  
> 0,120,4095,36046,147153,219453,1021735,1053426,104653,10149765,
> %T A166596  
> 10294453,10348975,100486576,10725396,104379576,20759346,12347965,
> %U A166596 101495628,129548656,102968425,104697685,102925378
> %N A166596 Smallest triangular number exactly n anagrams of which  
> are triangular numbers.

First off, I know that A000217 starts with 0, but A068094 states that  
there are only 3 one-digit triangular numbers, which would exclude  
zero. Looking at a couple of "encyclopedic" entries on the web, the  
tendency is to make 1 the first triangular number, A000217  
notwithstanding. Second, instead of your 15th entry 104379576, I have  
103428153 and instead of your 18th entry 101495628, I have 100174935.  
I'm unable to access my program for a day or so because I'm running  
something else. Can you check those two differences on your program?

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