[seqfan] Re: A000000

Maximilian Hasler maximilian.hasler at gmail.com
Wed Jun 16 16:14:33 CEST 2010

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Alonso Del Arte
<alonso.delarte at gmail.com> wrote:
> Very interesting this idea of A000000 (only in the OEIS Wiki at the moment).

[Everyone may have guessed, but to simplify life:
http://oeis.org/wiki/A000000 = the empty sequence.]

> I hope that we can keep this at A0 if we can keep it. It would be a rather
> interesting exception to the minimum four terms rule.

But as to the examples, I don't know...
Essentially they are all of the form
"Solutions to [equation which has no solution]"

So there are infinitely many examples which might be considered more
or less interesting and/or worth to be included (which is not the
same) to each reader, depending on his personal tastes.

Is it conceivable to develop a "scientific" criterion for
"interestingness" of such examples ?
I don't think a consensus could be reached.

Or at least try to classify some of them, and describe / characterize
those equations of each class, or a subset thereof, which don't have
solutions ?

* linear equations having no solutions in the integers
* algebraic equations having no solution in the integers
* equations involving arithmetic functions ...
* ...


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