[seqfan] Re: Perfect partitions

Joerg Arndt arndt at jjj.de
Thu Mar 18 08:49:29 CET 2010

Whoever edits, please also remove these:

- %C A000079 Except for the first term, number n such that if A=(7/8)*n^4; B=(7/16)*n^4; C=(17/16)*n^4; D=(5/4)
*n^4; then A^3+B^3+C^3=D^3 [From Vincenzo Librandi (vincenzo.librandi(AT)tin.it), Sep 08 2009]

- %e A000079 For n=2, A=14, B=7, C=17, D=20, and 14^3+7^3+17^3=20^3 [From Vincenzo Librandi (vincenzo.librandi(AT)tin.it), Jun 25 2009]

(from an edit of mine, Mar 11 2010, which was apparently not processed)

* Charles Greathouse <charles.greathouse at case.edu> [Mar 18. 2010 08:02]:
> The offset of A002033 doesn't match the program or David W. Wilson's
> comment.  I'm not sure how this should be changed, though, because
> I've seen references to it (in, e.g., A000079) which assume offset 1
> rather than 0.
> (The mention in A000079 happens to be wrong, even if correctly
> translated, and should be removed.)
> Charles Greathouse
> Analyst/Programmer
> Case Western Reserve University
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