[seqfan] Re: Legacy versions of a Computer Algebra System.

Alonso Del Arte alonso.delarte at gmail.com
Mon Sep 20 07:37:19 CEST 2010

That sounds like a good idea. Those with newer versions can run a
compatibility issues scan and/or determine which functions programmed from
scratch are available as built-in functions in newer versions. Then we can
add comments like

(* As of version 7, PrimeOmega is built-in and does not need to be
re-defined. *)

I wouldn't be concerned with codifying the exact presentation of such
advisories beyond what the CAS syntax requires.


On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 12:34 PM, RGWv <rgwv at rgwv.com> wrote:

> Et al,
> On a more serious note, the group has quite a few contributors who still
> use legacy versions of Mathematica. There exists in the OEIS, program coding
> which is not functional from one version to the next.
> For many of use who use Mathematica daily, usually this is not an obstacle,
> but unless something is done soon, this type of problem is only going to
> grow. Wolfram is getting ready to release version 8 before Thanksgiving.
> I suggest for discussion purposes that a program which is not very straight
> forward to begin with (* v7 *) or something similar. Also once the Wiki OEIS
> comes on line, many of us will 'correct' things such as removing the
> assigned function 'nextprim' with the built in function 'NextPrime'.
> Bob.
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