[seqfan] Re: Signed A088306

Neil Sloane njasloane at gmail.com
Tue Sep 9 07:13:51 CEST 2014

I would say just add the signs to A088306, and make
the change to the definition. It is clearly a great improvement!

On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 10:53 PM, Frank Adams-Watters
<franktaw at netscape.net> wrote:
> https://oeis.org/A088306 Positive integers n with |tan n| > n.
> It occurs to me that with a small change to the definition, more information
> can be supplied for this sequence. The proposed definition is "Numbers n
> such that tan(n) > abs(n), ordered by abs(n)." This will produce a signed
> sequence, whose absolute values match the current sequence, and the signs
> will indicate whether the particular tan(n) is positive or negative.
> I am reasonably certain that this sequence should be in the OEIS. The
> question is, should it be A088306, or a new sequence? If the change was
> anything more than supplying signs to an unsigned sequence, there would be
> no question that it should be a new sequence. As it is, I am uncertain how
> to proceed.
> I did start to add the sequence, and got the message "Warning: sequence may
> be in OEIS already. If possible, please provide enough terms to distinguish
> it from these other sequences." because, of course, the values do match
> A088306 except for sign.
> Franklin T. Adams-Watters
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Dear Friends, I have now retired from AT&T. New coordinates:

Neil J. A. Sloane, President, OEIS Foundation
11 South Adelaide Avenue, Highland Park, NJ 08904, USA.
Also Visiting Scientist, Math. Dept., Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ.
Phone: 732 828 6098; home page: http://NeilSloane.com
Email: njasloane at gmail.com

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