[seqfan] Re: A071030 == A118109 (Wolfram C.A. Rule 54)

Kevin Ryde user42_kevin at yahoo.com.au
Tue Oct 20 01:13:36 CEST 2015

njasloane at gmail.com (Neil Sloane) writes:
> Michael, Thanks for noticing that! I have followed your advice and replaced
> A118109 with what it
> should have been. We now have 3 versions of the sequence, A071030, A118108
> and A118109.
> I think the change is consistent with what Eric Weisstein would want.

I see there's several other pairs by Eric W of decimal and bits 0,1, eg.

    rule=94             rule=188
    A118101 decimal     A118173 decimal
    A118102 bits        A118174 bits

I wonder maybe A118109 is intended to be 0,1 but the duplication of
earlier A071030 is accidental.  Other duplications I notice (not
including rule=158 A071037 = A118172 already been merged),

    rule=94    A071033 = A118102
    rule=150   A071036 = A118110
    rule=190   A071039 = A118111

I wonder perhaps leave the values of A118109 as their existing 0,1 but
do what de-duplicate merging of the 4 duplications then possible new
sequences for whole row values 10101... (if don't exist already).

Not all of A118...s are duplicates, eg. rule=188 A118174 isn't as far as
I can tell.

The only confusing thing is that the corresponding mathworld pages show
binary 1, 111, 10001, 1110111.  But I think that's meant to be
understood as individual bits 0,1 because all the A118... sequences
referred to there are 0,1 so it doesn't seem a mistake in just one, say.


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