[seqfan] Re: More rows of triangle in A271100?

Bruce Leenstra maybeso83 at gmail.com
Wed May 18 10:50:47 CEST 2016

Hello David,

I cleaned up and compressed my program, so I added a listing to the
sequence entry. I also generated a b-file with 300 entries (24-tuple).
But its missing the last LF so it detects only 299. Do I re-upload it,
or let the reviewer fix it?
I left it as a draft and added a note, so you can take a look by clicking edit.

Is 24 rows enough? (pascals triangle has 400+ for 10k terms!) I can
generate more, at least until it blows the stack.
Do any of the related sequences need more terms? Though I guess the
digraph won't help as much as it did here.


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