[seqfan] an old manuscript with many sequences that need to be added to the OEIS

Neil Sloane njasloane at gmail.com
Sun Feb 14 09:54:30 CET 2021

Dear Seq Fans,  After 20 years I finally got around to scanning the
following manuscript:

Masao Koike, <a href="https://oeis.org/A004016/a004016.pdf">Modular forms
on non-compact arithmetic triangle groups</a>, Unpublished manuscript
[Extensively annotated with OEIS A-numbers by N. J. A. Sloane, Feb 14 2021.
I wrote 2005 on the first page but the internal evidence suggests 1997.]

It was written around 1997 but never published. Professor Koike sent it to
me around 1997.

On the last three or so pages there are many sequences that still need to
be added to the OEIS.  Perhaps some folks on this list could finish the
job. (I added a few tonight, but then I ran out of time.)

I scanned it at the request of someone working in modular forms. It may be
that this is the only copy left in the world. (I don't really believe that,
but certainly it was never published.)

Best regards

Neil J. A. Sloane, President, OEIS Foundation.
11 South Adelaide Avenue, Highland Park, NJ 08904, USA.
Also Visiting Scientist, Math. Dept., Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ.
Phone: 732 828 6098; home page: http://NeilSloane.com
Email: njasloane at gmail.com

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