[seqfan] Re: Numbers expressed in non-decimal bases

Marc LeBrun mlb at well.com
Thu Feb 11 01:05:12 CET 2021

Pierre, it's perfectly fine -- 

  providing appropriate care is taken to avoid confusing *integers* with *strings* in the surrounding text.

Every OEIS sequence is a sequence of integer values, which by convention are always written in *decimal*.

Thus submissions with leading zeros, non-decimal digits, etc are disallowed.

As an example:  the Comment in A007089 is correct because it interprets the values as integers (in decimal) not strings (in ternary).

This drove me to suggest that b[n]q "rebasing" notation.  A007089 is 3[n]10 for n from 0.  This is equivalent to saying 
  A007089 =  3 [A000027(n)] 10,  
and conversely 
  A000027 = 10 [A007089(n)] 3.

In your case, if a(n) gives the distance d(n), then A000000(n) = 3 [d(n)] 10.

You might also submit the sequence that gives d(n) directly, without encoding it through 3[]10.

In any case, Happy 10 [2021] Roman = MMXXI

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