[seqfan] Re: Large English integer names: Mathematica vs. num2words

Allan Wechsler acwacw at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 01:13:08 CEST 2023

The point is that *none* of these words is "correct". They are so rare that
there has been almost no social pressure to form a consensus. The "Book of
Numbers" table was an attempt to form a consensus, but its recommendations
still have lots of competition and at the moment there is no principled way
to select from the available options. It's often a matter of personal
esthetics. But the principled will avoid the illusion that these are
questions with objectively right answers.

On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 6:53 PM Hans Havermann <gladhobo at bell.net> wrote:

> Michael Branicky and I have just been discussing this because I had found
> some issues in one of his OEIS b-files. He had used the Python script
> "num2words" and when I compared the Mathematica vs. the num2words 10^3n
> names, I found 22 discrepancies up to 10^303. Here they are (power of ten,
> first word is Mathematica, second is num2words):
> 54, septendecillion, septdecillion
> 84, septenvigintillion, septvigintillion
> 102, trestrigintillion, tretrigintillion
> 114, septrigintillion, septtrigintillion
> 132, tresquadragintillion, trequadragintillion
> 144, septenquadragintillion, septquadragintillion
> 162, tresquinquagintillion, trequinquagintillion
> 174, septenquinquagintillion, septquinquagintillion
> 201, sesexagintillion, sexsexagintillion
> 204, septensexagintillion, septsexagintillion
> 231, seseptuagintillion, sexseptuagintillion
> 234, septenseptuagintillion, septseptuagintillion
> 252, tresoctogintillion, treoctogintillion
> 258, quintoctogintillion, quinoctogintillion
> 264, septenoctogintillion, septoctogintillion
> 267, octoctogintillion, octooctogintillion
> 270, novoctogintillion, novemoctogintillion
> 276, unonagintillion, unnonagintillion
> 288, quinonagintillion, quinnonagintillion
> 291, senonagintillion, sexnonagintillion
> 294, septenonagintillion, septnonagintillion
> 300, novenonagintillion, novemnonagintillion
> Of course I'm going with the Mathematica versions as being the correct
> ones. Maybe Python users can request a fix.
> --
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