[seqfan] Re: Sequences of real numbers

M. F. Hasler oeis at hasler.fr
Wed Dec 27 17:46:09 CET 2023

I think we can get a good idea of how useful (i.e., useless) such a table
from the fact that nobody, not even the authors, ever looked at that table
(row n = digits of sqrt(n)), since it was added over 20 years ago.
and this is certainly one of the most natural, simplest and least contrived
tables of that kind of table one can imagine.

It is nearly impossible to search for one of the subsequences of such a
table. (Many years ago I have created a form that allows to search for such
tables/matrices/ triangles, but I think it's no more available due to the
reformed web site of our university... And anyways, unless OEIS would
provide a prominently visible link to such a form on each search page, it
is of not much help for the average reader.

So I would strongly suggest to submit the constants (if they are of general
interest) as individual 'cons' sequences.

- Maximilian

On Wed, Dec 27, 2023, 11:24 Pontus von Brömssen <
pontus.von.bromssen at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a couple of sequences of real numbers that I plan to submit to the
> OEIS as tables of decimal expansions, i.e., sequences with the two keywords
> "cons" and "tabl", like A073027. However, searching for sequences with
> those two keywords results in only two hits: A000012 (the all 1's sequence)
> and A073027 (decimal expansions of sqrt(n) for n >= 1). Does this imply
> that that kind of sequences are discouraged? Or should "cons" not be used
> for such tables? Is there a better format that conways the same
> information? (By the way, there are errors in the data for A073027, easily
> spotted by following the "table" link https://oeis.org/A073027/table.)
> For the curious, the sequences I plan to submit are counterparts to
> A368386-A368395 for external (as opposed to internal) diffusion-limited
> aggregation on the square lattice. For internal DLA, the numbers are
> rational, but for external DLA, they lie in the field Q(pi), i.e., they are
> rational expressions of pi with integer coefficients. For example, the
> probability that the first three cells are collinear is 1/3 for internal
> DLA and (4-pi)/(24-7*pi) for external DLA.
> An alternative to decimal expansions is to give the coefficients in the
> rational expressions of pi, but I find that a bit awkward because of the
> irregular behaviour of the degrees of the rational expressions.
> Cheers,
> Pontus
> --
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