[seqfan] Re: Corrections to A072368

Wouter Meeussen wouter.meeussen at telenet.be
Sat Jul 22 15:53:27 CEST 2023

hi seqfanners,

I apologise for my former lack of accuracy.
I thought I had a handle on a nice problem, but
my enthousiastic ambition was larger than my skill and intelligence.
It took 20 years to be corrected, and I can only hope not to have 
wrong-footed anyone meanwhile.

Congrats to Martin for setting things right.

/(oh, the embarrassment ..)/

Op 21/07/2023 om 15:16 schreef martin_n_fuller via SeqFan:
> A072368 "Minimal total volume of n bricks with integer sides, all 
> sides being different. Lowest value of sum of products of triples 
> p*q*r chosen from [1,3n]."
> I have found lower values for A072368(12) and A072368(14).  Can anyone 
> confirm that these are the only corrections?  My method is described 
> below along with some proofs.
> There are further corrections and many missing sums in the 
> "Illustration of initial terms" linked to A072368.  Should I replace 
> it with my file (up to n=33) or should I add a comment on the existing 
> file that some terms are not the lowest value or are incomplete?
> Martin Fuller
> -- 
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