[seqfan] Re: OEIS Frontend Redesign

Peter Luschny peter.luschny at gmail.com
Sun Jan 28 21:51:36 CET 2024

Tom: "But there's nothing about the presentation on my phone
that seems in the least problematic."

Problematic? No, I want to be able to work purposefully and
efficiently with it! Can you work with it sensibly?

Well, I can't. Example: Let's say I want to see the combstruct
implementation in Maple.

If I open oeis.org with Firefox, I scroll through the landscape
somewhat mindlessly with maybe ten or twenty finger strokes,
hoping not to miss the crucial moment when the thing I'm looking
for appears.

If I do the same with intdb.io, I need four quick finger clicks
(I close the previous sections in the details widgets), and I'm there!

I estimate a time saving of a factor of 10, but more than that;
I know where the function is, namely in the corresponding
envelope with the programs and can proceed in a targeted manner.
A much more pleasant experience!

If the optimization I suggested in my first post were implemented
(to load the sections closed when they are long, as is the case
here), it would only take a single click of my finger to reach my goal!


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