A121760/1: two (interesting?) sequences

Ralf Stephan ralf at ark.in-berlin.de
Mon Aug 21 19:34:22 CEST 2006

>I'd read many messages here that "base"
>seqs are mostly non-interesting,
>but never undestood why, sorry.

Do you read math papers, Zak? If so, then you have certainly
experienced the feeling that a specific entity, say a sequence,
has connections to things you didn't think of before. This happens
regularly with interesting sequences, and I guess I'm not alone
in having made the experience that this doesn't happen with base
sequences. That's why we say they're not interesting.

But what is, for example? Everything in combinatorics, count on it,
will appear sooner or later in other fields like physics, IT, biology
and more, so combinatorial sequences are certainly the most interesting
in the OEIS. But there's more, and you get only a feel if you read
the literature.


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