?nsar, ganso, oca: COMMENT on A 020988 = A084180 = A108018 !

Joshua Zucker joshua.zucker at gmail.com
Sat Sep 2 14:51:13 CEST 2006

On 9/1/06, Ralf Stephan <ralf at ark.in-berlin.de> wrote:
> Before: Submitter sends a new definition with an old sequence. Later
> the sequence is found duplicate but the definition is merged into the
> original sequence.
> After: Submitter gets her sequence rejected. Frustrated, she never
> submits her definition to the original sequence.

I thought more like
After: Submitter gets a message saying "it looks like your sequence
might be the same as Axxxxxx. Would you like to add your definition
and comments to that sequence instead?" or a message saying "It looks
like your sequence might be the transformation SOMETHING of sequence
Axxxxxx.  Could you investigate, and if it's so, add a comment
indicating that fact?"

--Joshua Zucker

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