Request for more Python programs

Alec Mihailovs alec at
Tue Jan 2 02:09:11 CET 2007

From: "Jaap Spies" <j.spies at>

> You probably have your (good) reasons to program in assembler :-)

Well, the executables are usually at least 10--100 times faster than if they 
were written in C, and 1000--1000000 times faster than the calculations in 
Maple, that allows getting a couple of additional terms for many (hard) 
sequences from the OEIS, for example.

> Maybe you can install Maple and Mathematica under coLinux. I did not try 
> this
> yet.

That, probably, would be possible in, say, 20GB Debian colinux. There is no 
space for that (or for upgrading SAGE) in the 2GB colinux that comes with 

> For the moment there are a few problems with cygwin, maybe they will be
> resolved in the near future.

I'd like to have a working cygwin version - it is closer to native Windows 
than colinux.

> The advantage is in the integration, especially in the notebook (GUI).
> SAGE comes batteries included. I think this is a great idea.

I certainly like SAGE and I think it is a great idea and it works great in 
Linux. Including batteries has sense for Linux, because many distributions 
come with rather old versions of other programs. In Windows, I already have 
all the latest version of "the batteries" installed, either native or 
cygwin - there are usually no problems with getting them, because they are 
usually distributed as binaries for Windows, with good installers and 
without need of compiling.

The ideal solution for Windows (at least for me) would be if SAGE came as a 
standard Python library, without batteries included, so that it could be 
installed under native Windows Python and run in IDLE. Is there a chance 
that the development of SAGE could be forked for creating such a small SAGE 
version for Windows - without batteries included?


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